VMware Player 14 にて
霜月に林檎の夢はつひぞ見ぬ 否
Getting VMware Tools... Retrieving Darwin tools from: http://softwareupdate.vmware.com/cds/vmw-desktop/fusion/12.2.1/18811640/packages/com.vmware.fusion.tools.darwin.zip.tar Traceback (most recent call last): File "gettools.py", line 159, in <module> main() File "gettools.py", line 112, in main tar = tarfile.open(convertpath(dest + '/tools/com.vmware.fusion.tools.darwin.zip.tar'), 'r') File "tarfile.py", line 1680, in open tarfile.ReadError: file could not be opened successfully [8324] Failed to execute script gettools File not found - darwin*.* 0 File(s) copied
─darwin.iso を手動配置
https://softwareupdate.vmware.com/cds/vmw-desktop/fusion/の Version 12.2.1 から com.vmware.fusion.zip.tar をDL
/payload/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/isoimages/の darwin.iso と darwinPre15.iso を C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player フォルダにコピー