Sub 棚卸しレイアウト図のゴンドラ分解() Dim ws04 As Worksheet Set ws04 = Worksheets("Sheet1") Dim tbl As Range Set tbl = ws04.Range("C1").CurrentRegion Debug.Print tbl.Count tbl.Select Dim i As Long: i = 1 For Each c In tbl.Cells If Not c.Value = "" And IsNumeric(c.Value) And c.Value > 0 Then ws04.Cells(i, 1) = c.Value: i = i + 1 Next Debug.Print i End Sub Sub テスト() Dim tbl As Range 'Set tbl = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion 'tbl.Select Set tbl = Selection Debug.Print tbl.Count End Sub売場案内DB.xls